From The DCAT Alliance for Industry Women Committee: Upcoming Webinar May 10: How to Money: Your Ultimate Guide to the Basics of Finance
The DCAT Alliance for Industry Women Committee will be presenting a 1-hr webinar on May 10, 2022: How to Money: Your Ultimate Guide to the Basics of Finance, featuring Jean Chatzky, best-selling author, speaker, and founder/CEO of and FinanceFixx.
In this upbeat talk, crafted with women in mind, Jean Chatzky, who also served as the guest speaker at the Women’s Networking Breakfast during DCAT Week 2022, breaks down the basics of money―how to earn it, manage it, and use it ― giving you all the tools you need to take charge of your personal finances.
Specifically, How to Money will cover creating a budget (and sticking to it), negotiating for that next salary with aplomb, navigating student-loan repayment, how to manage your credit for lifelong success, and investing for your short and long-term goals.
The webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 10th from 10:00-11:00 am ET. The webinar is complimentary and exclusive to employees of DCAT Member Companies. Further information, including how to register, may be found here.
The DCAT Alliance for Industry Women Committee is responsible for programs and special events that create opportunities to educate, inform, and inspire the women in the bio/pharmaceutical industry. The committee’s activities include creating quarterly webinars and publications and posting topical social media conversations. The committee also develops and hosts the Women’s Networking Breakfast during DCAT Week.