Have Your Company be A Newsmaker at DCAT Week
Applications are closing Wednesday February 5 for the DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum, a much-anticipated event at DCAT Week in which senior executives from DCAT Member Companies highlight major news announcements covering expansions, M&A, and other key strategic developments.
Highlighting major company news
The DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum is a much-anticipated program at DCAT Week in which senior executives from DCAT Member Companies make major news announcements to DCAT Week’s influential attendees and the industry press.
Exclusive to DCAT Member Companies, the DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum is a valuable platform to highlight key news developments from your company occurring in 2025 in the following areas:
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), including post-M&A integration
- Significant and critical capital expansions for manufacturing and development capacity across the bio/pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain—raw materials, chemicals, processing aids, excipients, and other inputs; drug substances (small molecules & biologics); drug products; and packaging; and
- Other key corporate strategic developments occurring in 2025 and beyond.
Note: News announcements must be from January 2025 forward. If an announcement was first made prior to January 2025, updated information occurring in 2025 or beyond must be included. In the case of M&A, this can include deal closing or post-M&A integration occurring in 2025 or beyond, and for expansions, updated timelines for completion and launch occurring in 2025 or beyond.
Who Can Apply & Deadlines
The Member Company Announcement Forum is open to all Registered DCAT Member Companies: bio/pharma companies, CDMOs/CMOs, and other suppliers—large, mid-sized, and small companies. Applications are due Wednesday February 5, 2025. Further information, including the online applications, may be found here.
Applications are reviewed by the DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum Oversight Committee, which selects those companies receiving podium time at DCAT Week based on the following criteria: news priority, criticality of the news development, and interest to DCAT Member Companies.
Examples of past announcements
News developments at the DCAT Member Company Announcement Forum span the full spectrum of the bio/pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain: from raw materials/other inputs, to active pharmaceutical ingredients (both small molecules & biologics), to drug products, and to packaging. In addition to the announcements being made at DCAT Week, news announcements will be featured in a special issue of DCAT Value Chain Insights post DCAT Week. Click here for announcements made at DCAT Week 2024.
Where & When
The Member Company Announcement Forum will be held during DCAT Week on Monday March 17, 2025 (9:00-11:30 AM) at the InterContinental Barclay, Grand Ballroom (2nd Floor). The program is complimentary and exclusive to DCAT Member Companies. To register to attend, click here.
DCAT Week education program.
In addition to the Member Company Announcement Forum, DCAT Week in 2025 will feature five education programs as noted below.
Pharma Industry Outlook with Networking Reception will feature experts from IQVIA, regarded as the gold standard for market and business intelligence for the bio/pharmaceutical industry, who will provide an overview of the current and projected performance of the industry. The program will also provide an in-depth analysis evaluating growth opportunities on a pipeline and commercial basis for small molecules, biologics, and new modalities, such as RNA molecules, cell & gene therapies, and other complex drugs. Program time: Monday March 17, 2025. 2:30–4:30 PM. Post-program networking reception: 4:30-6:00 PM.
Partnering for Innovation in Manufacturing & Supply will highlight case studies on how bio/pharma companies and their partners have collaborated to resolve difficult challenges that arise in development, manufacturing, and the supply chain. Partner companies include: CDMOs/CMOs, suppliers of raw materials or other inputs, technology services providers, or other companies. Program time: Tuesday March 18, 2025, 8:00–9:30 AM.
Achieving Supply Chain Resiliency Amid Geopolitical Risk will provide insights from an executive panel—from within and outside the industry (GSK, Johnson & Johnson, GE HealthCare, and Cisco) on best practices and lessons learned on how to prepare, monitor, and respond to potential or actual disruption due to geopolitical events and other macro environmental factors. Program time: Tuesday March 18, 2025, 11:00 AM–12:00 PM
What’s on the Horizon: New Modalities and Promising Drug Classes will feature a special one-on-one Interview with Dr. Richard DiMarchi, former Group Vice President, Eli Lilly and Company and Novo Nordisk, and Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and the Gill Chair in Biomolecular Sciences, Indiana University, who is globally recognized for his foundational work in GLP-1 agonists, the industry’s blockbuster class of drugs for treating obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Dr. DiMarchi will share how these highly successful drugs came to fruition and provide his perspectives on what he sees as the most promising areas of drug development, including new modalities and their potential. Program time: Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 1:30–2:30 PM
What Makes a Customer of Choice: Are Pharma Companies & Suppliers Aligned? will feature an executive panel to offer a “buy-and-sell side” view on the initiatives that pharma companies are taking to become preferred customers of their suppliers and how suppliers are designating those “customers of choice,” including related criteria and benefits. Program time: Wednesday March 19, 2025, 10:00–11:00 AM