Mark Your Calendar: Mitigating Supplier Risk for Steady-State Operations

Continual monitoring and evaluation of risk once working with suppliers is critical. An upcoming DCAT webinar will provide a customer–supplier view of the key performance indicators. key risk indicators, challenges, and scenarios to take into consideration to mitigate risk.

Continual monitoring and evaluation of risk once working with suppliers is critical. An upcoming DCAT webinar will provide a customer–supplier view of the key performance indicators. key risk indicators, challenges, and scenarios to take into consideration to mitigate risk.

By Patricia Van Arnum, Editorial Director, DCAT,

Supplier risk management: an imperative
Employing effective strategies to evaluate and mitigate supplier risk is crucial for bio/pharmaceutical companies to assure supply and build and sustain supply-chain resiliency. But how can that be best achieved, and what is expected from both bio/pharma companies and their suppliers to monitor, evaluate, and mitigate risk to achieve steady-state operations?

A webinar, Supplier Risk Management: Best Practices for Risk Mitigation during Steady-State Operations, from the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT) will answer that question by providing expert views from leading industry executives on the key performance indicators, key risk indicators, and scenarios to take into consideration to mitigate risk. The webinar, to be held on Tuesday November 12, 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM ET, will address these all-important questions:

  • What are key factors that contribute to achieving a steady-state operation?
  • What is the right balance of communication on risk and performance matters? How often and in what detail should these matters be discussed?
  • What key performance indicators and key risk indicators should be monitored to identify red flags and how should they be reviewed and communicated?

To gain both a “buy and sell side view,” panelists include: Anna Casagrande, Director, Risk Management, Procurement Center of Excellence, Bristol-Myers Squibb; Hugo Barrios Casalino, Vice President & Head of Sourcing, Life Science, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany; and Matt Dawes, Vice President, Business Management – Oral Delivery, Thermo Fisher Scientific. The panel discussion will be moderated by Steph Meehan, Partner, Life Sciences Health Care Cyber & Strategic Risk Practice, Deloitte.

From left to right, Panelists: Anna Casagrande, Director of Risk Management, Procurement Center of Excellence, Bristol-Myers Squibb; Hugo Barrios Casalino, Vice President & Head of Sourcing, Life Science, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany;Matt Dawes, Vice President, Business Management–Oral Delivery, Thermo Fisher Scientific; and Steph Meehan, Partner, Life Sciences Health Care Cyber & Strategic Risk Practice, Deloitte.

The webinar is complimentary and exclusive to DCAT Member Companies. Further information, including how to register, may be found here. On-demand viewing will be available through December 31, 2024, but registration is required for both the live webinar on November 12th and on-demand viewing.

The webinar is the second part of a two-part webinar series on supplier risk management developed by the DCAT Supply Management Committee, a volunteer committee within DCAT composed of Member Company representatives involved in sourcing, procurement, and supply management. Part I, Supplier Risk Management: The Double-Edged Sword– Navigating Sourcing and Supplier Selection, held in September, provided a “buy-and-sell side” view on best practices on how to assess and mitigate risk in sourcing and supplier selection and the initial make-versus-buy decision. On-demand viewing of this webinar is available through December 31, 2024, to DCAT Member Companies. Further information may be found here.

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