Editorial Submissions and Authors’ Guidelines
Editorial Focus
DCAT Value Chain Insights provides analysis of pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical companies, contract service providers, and suppliers as well as regulatory/compendial developments that impact drug development and manufacturing, the supply chain, and related areas. DCAT Value Chain Insights covers manufacturing of drug substances (small molecules and biologics) and drug products (solid dosage, parenterals, and specialty dosage forms). It also covers formulation development/drug delivery, packaging, logistics/supply chain, sourcing, procurement, supply management, and other issues impacting sponsor company/supplier relationships. Articles offer executive insights, best practices, case-studies, and market analysis.
Readers of DCAT Value Chain Insights are C-suite, senior and mid-level executives of the large and mid-sized pharmaceutical/biopharmaceutical companies who are involved in procurement, sourcing, supply management, and third-party/external manufacturing and the sales, marketing, business development, and manufacturing professionals of contract service providers and suppliers (i.e. chemicals, fine chemicals, contract API manufacturing [small molecules and biologics], contract formulation development and drug product manufacturing, packaging, and related services).
Editorial Contributions
DCAT Value Chain Insights welcomes feature article contributions from industry members (see below for authors’ guidelines and click here to view examples of feature article contributions), op-ed/opinion pieces (see guidelines below), suggestions for article ideas and research, and press releases reporting on company developments (click here for press release submission guidelines).
Editorial Submissions: Feature Articles
Readers are familiar with overall industry trends and issues, and a given article should provide thought leaderhip by offering specific market insight or case-study analysis that would be of utility in readers’ work. Regard readers as part of an informed audience interested in advancing their understanding of industry issues and trends or in learning from solution based case studies that facilitate their resolution of organizational, operational, and technical challenges. The articles may address leadership, organizational change, negotiation, strategy, operations, marketing, finance, managing people, or technology (i.e., manufacturing issues on an API or drug product level, formulation/drug delivery, or packaging). The article should be based on research and/or operational experience. Editorial content that is promotional to a product or company will not be accepted.
Originality and Rights. Article submissions are reviewed with the understanding that they have not been published previously in any formal (print or electronic), are not ghostwritten, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, including on the Internet or web-based outlets. The author and any co-authors are required to sign a license agreement before an article is accepted for publication to provide DCAT permission to publish the original article and its associated figures/tables.
Illustrations, Images, Figures, and Table Rights. The author and/or company of the author(s) must own the rights to all submitted images, tables, and figures. Graphics from other sources or third-party sources will not be accepted for publication. A credit is provided to the author(s) and/or the company providing the graphics.
Article Specifications:
- Article lengths should be between 1800 and 2500 words and submitted as a Word Document to Patricia Van Arnum, Editorial Director, DCAT, pvanarnum@dcat.org, Main line: 609.208.1888 ext. 7014.
- It is recommended to have graphics (charts, tables, images) to provide visual interest and information to the reader. Generally two to four graphics are recommended, and a given article should not have more than six graphics. Graphics that do not advance the reader’s understanding should not be submitted. A callout to the graphic should be provided in the text of the article. Be sure to include descriptive captions and credit information for all figures and images.
- Graphics, such as images or charts, may be submitted as jpgs or eps files (jpg preferred) in high-resolution (300 dpi). Text tables may be submitted in Word or Excel.
- The illustrations, images, and figures must be original to the author(s) with appropriate source credit for the graphic. Graphics from third-party sources will not be accepted for publication.
- Articles accepted for publication will be edited/formatted for content and style. A proof of the article will be provided to the author(s) for review prior to publication. The publication date of the article will depend on the successful completion of the previously described editorial process. It is our intent to publish articles in a timely fashion.
- Contributing authors should provide name, title, and company affiliation.
Editorial Submissions: Op-Ed/Viewpoints
DCAT Value Chain Insights welcomes submissions for op-ed/viewpoint pieces to express an opinion on industry issues and trends. Such pieces may not be promotional to a product or company but be used to provide a thoughtful view of an industry trend or issue. Opinion pieces should be approximately 1000 to 1500 words and include the name and title of the submitting author. They may be submitted to Patricia Van Arnum, Editorial Director, DCAT, pvanarnum@dcat.org, Main line: 609.208.1888 for editorial consideration.
Such pieces must follow the same guidelines outlined above for feature articles. Submissions are reviewed with the understanding that they have not been published previously in any format (print or electronic), are not ghostwritten, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, including on the Internet. The author and any co-authors are required to sign a license agreement before an article is accepted for publication to provide DCAT permission to publish the original article and its associated figures/tables.