AAIPharma Services Corp./Cambridge Major Laboratories Expand Solid Dosage Capabilities
AAIPharma Services Corp./Cambridge Major Laboratories, Inc. (AAI/CML), a provider of custom manufacturing and development services for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, is adding additional capabilities and capacity for oral solid manufacturing in its Wilmington, North Carolinafacility. These investments have been driven by the significant growth in the company’s drug product portfolio, particularly for orphan drugs and rare disease therapies.
Some of the recent additions to its oral solid capabilities include precision coating for its fluid bed dryer (GEA/MP-4), which allows for bottom spray coating for enteric release products. Also, it allows top spray granulatation and drying for materials from the (GEA/PMA-400) high shear mixer. The additional bottom spray coating capability was introduced along with the extruder spheronizer (GEA NICAS450/NICA140). Lastly, a Bosch KKE 1700 capsule checkweighter was added to increase the encapsulation capabilities. With the addition of this equipment and a second manufacturing shift, the solid dosage capacity has increased by approximately 35%.
Source: AAI/CML